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London, Ontario

80 Acorn Crescent London Ontario, Canada

80 Acorn Cres.
"Acorn Crescent"

80 Acorn Crescent

Units 16

Built 1987

Registered as condos 1980

Average MLS Selling Price 2023Sample size (1) too small to report

Average MLS Selling Price 2022No MLS sales

Average MLS Selling Price 2021Sample size (1) too small to report

Average MLS Selling Price 2020No MLS sales

Average MLS Selling Price 2019No MLS sales

Average MLS Selling Price 2018$250,300 (based on 2 MLS sales)

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Built in one cluster of two and two clusters of seven. Two known unit sizes of 1085 and 1107 square feet. Light red bricking with warm cream coloured sidings and brown shingles. Burnt red coloured front doors. Fourteen of these units back onto "Fox Hollow Ravine - South"; and only steps away to the southeast on the other side of Wonderland Road is the "Museum of Ontario Archaeology". Many of these units have lower level walkouts. Open parking. A cement barrier on the south-east corner of this complex separates these condos from Wonderland Road.

This is a small, extremely well-kept complex on an attraction street of single family homes. Like with other small complexes, seldom do units here become available.

The condo fees here in 2023 were $420 per month and include shingles and windows.

Property Manager:

Skirms Ave Property Management 226-330-3037

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