811, 815-853 Sarnia Road
Registered as condos2018
Average MLS Selling Price 2023$638,100 (based on 2 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2022$752,000 (based on 3 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2021$643,200 (based on 5 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2020$436,500 (based on 2 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2019$435,600 (based on 3 MLS sales)
It first started with a builder’s website address. In this case it was “Western Prestige Village” and remnants of this website are still live today. These units sold out quickly during a period of “hot markets”.
We note that this site, like others along Sarnia Road, back onto a CPR Rail line. At this particular point the lands slope down to it by approximately seven metres. A five story low rise apartment building is planned for the lands to the immediate east and might share this complexes entranceway.
This complex is built in nine clusters with three clusters facing Sarnia Road. These units are built with a covered deck overlooking their garage. None of the other units have this feature. Some units have granny suites. These are end units with a side front door leading to a staircase which takes you down to a finish basement with high ceilings, oversized windows and a kitchen, bathroom, living room area and bedroom. These are legal granny suites. Missing however in this equation is an extra outside parking spot.
We also note brown brick, brown and taupe coloured upper siding, black trim, covered front entrances and extra bricking on the end units. These units were built of slightly higher standards and have insulated garages, quartz counter tops and 40-ounce carpeting. One cluster of units has lower walkouts. Known unit sizes are 1500, 1508, 1548, and 1550 square feet.
In this neighbourhood 62% speak English, 4% Spanish, 3% Arabic, 5% "other" and 5% Mandarin. 53% are university educated. 94% own, 6% rent. 87% live in single detached homes, and 13% in "row house" style. 27% of the neighbourhood was built 1991-2010 and 69% was built 2011+. 30% of the population is aged 30-44 and 18% 0-9. Now here is a comment that we do not make very often! It is now 2023 and the finishing touches to this complex still need to be completed. Most noticeably, the laneways need to properly be paved and the curbs are damaged in several spots. That plus builder’s debris to the immediate north needs to be cleaned up and further landscaping needs to be done. Attention to these detailing’s would help to make this complex more desirable.
Lionheart 519-641-6868