20 Chapman Ct
Registered as condos2002
Average MLS Selling Price 2022Sample size (1) too small to report
Average MLS Selling Price 2021$490,700 (based on 3 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2020No MLS sales
Average MLS Selling Price 2019Sample size (1) too small to report
Average MLS Selling Price 2018Sample size (1) too small to report
A small complex of one-floor condos with single-car garages on slightly rolling terrain. These units offer 1,030 square feet of main level living space with some units having finish lower levels. Red and tan mixed colored bricking with a predominance of red bricking. Grey soffits and fascia and some grey vinyl siding. The front cluster is staggered in design. Tan coloured garage doors. Inside garage door entry. One cluster of two units, two clusters of three units and one cluster of four units. The condo fees going into 2023 were in the $425.00 per month range. Given that the complex is so small, units seldom become available. A very convenient north-west location!
Lionheart 519-641-6868