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London, Ontario

80-284 Monmore Road London Ontario, Canada

80-284 Monmore Rd.

80-284 Monmore Road



Registered as condos1977

Average MLS Selling Price 2023$430,200 (based on 5 MLS sales)

Average MLS Selling Price 2022$525,500 (based on 7 MLS sales)

Average MLS Selling Price 2021$396,700 (based on 9 MLS sales)

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* some units are gas heat, others are electric



These complexes were once very popular with the university student crowd many years back; however it is now adjusting itself into more of a family-style mix as more and more student accommodations become available closer to the university. Close to shopping and walking distance to a French elementary school called St. Marguerite d'Youville on Hawthorne Road just west of Aldersbrook Road.

The condos on the east side of this complex have a different corporation number (London Condominium Corporation # 42) and have added a name to their units. That name is the "Westchase". These units have a privacy fence dividing their units from Gainsborough Road versus a chain link fence other units have. All of the units in these clusters enjoy attractive landscaping and maturing trees. Cluster sizes of 5,6,7,8 and 9 units with the inside cluster having a staggered design. These are two storey all vinyl sided units with unit sizes of 1034, 1181, 1,256, 1,264, 1278 and 1324 sq. ft. Three upper bedrooms. Built with electric heat. Most complexes built with this style of heating 40 or so years ago have converted to gas heat. For whatever reason, this complex remains electrically heated. Mature landscaping, plenty of visitors parking, excellent spacing between units and differing colourings of the vinyl siding. Some attractive interior walkways.

* Each section of this complex has a different look. There is tan siding with tan trim, grey siding, blue siding with white trim, taupe siding with grey highlights and brown shingles. Some clusters have imitation shutters. These differences in colour schemes work well to give the complex an attractive appearance.

In this neighbourhood, 95% own, 5% rent. 49% live in single family homes, 47% in townhouses and 5% in semi-detached units. 83% of the neighbourhood was built between 1961 and 1990. English is the dominant spoken language at 81%, followed by Spanish at 4% and Polish at 3%. 81% of the population claims non-immigrant status. Only 16% of the population is 65 years of age or older.

Property Manager

Cambri 519-474-3006

G3 Property Management (The Westchase complex) 519-601-9004

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