1625 Attawandaron Road
Registered as condos2013
Average MLS Selling Price 2023$559,000 (based on 2 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2022$743,000 (based on 2 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2021Sample size (1) too small to report
A set of stoplights at the intersection of Wonderland Road North and Aldersbrook Road brings you over to Attawandaron Road. This small complex of 16 units enjoys a quiet cul-de-sac location. Sharing this cul-de-sac location and slightly off to the immediate southeast is the "Museum of Ontario Archaeology". This can be a tourist destination in the summer, however not much happens there in the winter.
These condos have reddish brown bricking, cream siding, brown shingles and a pumpkin brown coloured front doors. Each unit has a bright front bay window.
There is one cluster of three units without lower level walkouts, one cluster of seven units with lower level walkouts backing onto Wonderland Road and it's bridge over the Fox Hollow Ravine (see our primary picture of this section - in this picture this complex would be immediately off to the east), and one cluster of four units with the lower level walkouts backing onto Museum lands and beyond the greenery of "Miggsie Lawson Park".
Four known unit sizes of 932, 1010, 1050 and 1100 sq. ft. All brick exteriors bright bay windows. The condo fees here in 2023 were in the $399 range per month. with vaulted family room ceilings, single car garages and covered front porches. There are also partially covered rear (upper) decks. All brick exteriors, bright bay windows. Seldom do units come available here. This is a self-managed complex.
* The City of London has one of the best websites in Canada when it comes to mapping the city. First press the map button and then zoom in and you will be able to see every individual condo project. What a powerful mapping tool this is.
Robson 519-870-6915