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London, Ontario

2089 Beaverbrook Avenue London Ontario, Canada

2089 Beaverbrook Ave.
984-1012 Bitterbush Crescent
"Deer Ridge"

2089 Beaverbrook Ave.

984-1012 Bitterbush Crescent



Registered as condos2008

Average MLS Selling Price 2023$585,000 (based on 2 MLS sales)

Average MLS Selling Price 2022$658,600 (based on 4 MLS sales)

Average MLS Selling Price 2021$529,800 (based on 4 MLS sales)

Average MLS Selling Price 2020$408,300 (based on 7 MLS sales)

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These are three-bedroom, two storey condos with single car garages. They are hidden away from the street from other similar looking units which are not part of this complex and units 2-24 and 26-32 face onto Sarnia Road behind attractive brick pillars and fencings. Stucco exteriors of a tan colour accented with stone. Black shingles. Nine-foot ceilings on the main with open concept interiors and second level laundries. Patio doors to rear decks. Known unit sizes of 1500 and 1585 square feet. Adequate visitors parking. Yes, there are pet restrictions.

Two additional clusters of four units each with private driveways to the street on Bitterbush Crescent also form part of this complex. Adequate visitors parking. This complex enjoys a wonderful sense of privacy.

The condo fees going in 2024 are in the $389 per month range. This includes ground maintenance, landscaping, snow removal and shingles.

* In this neighbourhood 92% own, 8% rent. Single family homes represent 71% of the neighbourhood and all of them were built after 1990. 52% of the adult population have university degrees. 56% have English as their dominant language followed by Spanish at 7%, Arabic also at 7%, Mandarin at 4% and other languages as 5%. 29% of the population are aged 30-44 and 40% of the population is 0-19.

Property Manager:

Highpoint 519-663-7779

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