1061 Eagletrace Drive
Units73 upon completion
Registered as condos2019
Average MLS Selling Price 2023$907,500 (based on 2 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2022$1,130,000 (based on 3 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2021$847,900 (based on 4 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2020$702,200 (based on 11 MLS sales)
Here is a design style very much in fashion. A vacant land condominium of 73 detached homes. A mix of bungalows, bungalows with lofts and two storey homes on lot sizes from 40-58 feet. As of the start of 2022 approximately fifty four units are finished out and approximately seven are under construction. Known unit sizes of above ground living space are 2,079, 2,254, 2,388, 2,398, 2,645, 2,678, and 2,698 sq. ft. The colour tones are all built to compliment each other.
"Rembrandt" built. This project shares the same address as another new project recently finished out to the immediate south called "The Towns at Rembrandt Walk".
Real estate prices started to surge upwards starting around the 2017 time period. These are larger size freeholds on smallish size lots. Construction started here back in 2016 at price points comparable to similarly sized homes on larger lots in the surrounding neighbourhoods. Early sales here were sluggish to the chagrin of early buyers in. Six years later the end to this building process is still not in sight. We note that builders' prices have now jumped through the one-million-dollar mark for the first time in 2021. In early 2023 the markets have been appearing to be cooling a touch.
"Rembrant Homes" higher end condo projects sometimes take a little bit longer to sell out. In a world of rising real estate prices, builders sometimes can make more in the long run by asking more and selling less. "Rembrandt" in the last few year in London and cities like Woodstock have had a multiple number of new home and condo projects on the go at the same time. History has shown that their higher priced complexes take a little bit longer to sell out than their lower priced complexes.
High Point 226-663-7779