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London, Ontario

189 Homestead Crescent London Ontario, Canada

189 Homestead Cres.
"Homestead Meadows"

189 Homestead Crescent



Registered as condos1990

Average MLS Selling Price 2023$521,600 (based on 3 MLS sales)

Average MLS Selling Price 2022No MLS sales

Average MLS Selling Price 2021No MLS sales

Average MLS Selling Price 2020Sample size (1) too small to report

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* prices may vary depending on condition and upgrades



A "Palumbo" built project. This builder also completed a very similar project in "White Oaks" at 308 Conway Drive at about the very same period.

This "Homestead Meadows" project is built in four clusters of six units each with one cluster on the north side backing onto Blackacres Blvd. These are two storey reddish/brown bricked units with upper off-white vinyl siding and grey shingles. Three upper bedrooms, single car garages, raised rear decks. This is a treed setting. Three known unit sizes are 1407, 1420 and 1470 sq. ft.

It should also be noted that street side and largely hidden by shrubs, trees and fencings is the "North Woods Montessori" school.

The "Homestead Meadows" project enjoys two entrances, adequate visitors parking, and has an easy access to Wonderland Road. Given the small number of units in this complex very few units change hands on an annual basis.

In this neighbourhood, 89% of the units found here are owner occupied and 11% rented. 64% of the population live in townhouse / "row house" style units, 21% live in single family homes, 13% in semi-detached units, and 2% in apartments. 16% of the population is aged 19 and under. Walking distance to Emily Carr Public School and the "Nor'west Optimist Park".

Property Manager:

Thorne 519-660-1904

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