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London, Ontario

50 Chapman Court & 70 Chapman Court London Ontario Canada

50 Chapman Ct.
70 Chapman Ct.

50 Chapman Court

Units64 (13 clusters)


Registered as condos1996

Average MLS Selling Price 2023$481,000 (based on 2 MLS sales)

Average MLS Selling Price 2022$501,200 (based on 5 MLS sales)

Average MLS Selling Price 2021$495,500 (based on 2 MLS sales)


70 Chapman Court

Units90 (10 clusters)


Registered as condos1995

Average MLS Selling Price 2023$474,400 (based on 8 MLS sales)

Average MLS Selling Price 2022$491,000 (based on 5 MLS sales)

Average MLS Selling Price 2021$477,200 (based on 8 MLS sales)

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These are 3-bedroom, 2 storey units on a direct bus route to the University and only a bicycle ride away. These units have served well, the needs of "out of town students" for many years. Known unit sizes are 1200, 1210, 1238 and 1318 square feet.

Just a note that might be of interest to buyers coming in from Toronto, Mississauga and Brampton. Our website shows literally hundreds of condo complexes, and this is the complex that we get called and asked about the most. Why? Well, we think it is because all of the first year students, in residence, start to research the condo marketplace and at the same time, they get introduced to these two complexes by other students who may live here. We note, the property managers have introduced a policy of "no renting out units to unrelated students". Other complexes in north-west London are also going this route. Times change.

Sarnia Road between the University and Wonderland Road is well serviced by a number of different buses which all pass by the Wonderland Road/ Sarnia Road intersection and some student's bike or walk it. Easy and quick access to the university is one of these two complexes strongest selling points.

Every complex comes with some type of a quirk. In these units, the lower-level recreation room (which happens to face the front of these units), does not have a window, nor are you allowed to add one. What this really means is that the basement level is not legally suited to having an extra fourth bedroom.

University bound with an investment mindset. An alternative to these units given these new restrictions might be a small house on the north side of Sarnia Road on streets like Blue Forest, Thistledown Way or Reid Court. With houses rather than condos you often get an extra bedroom or two. Then also, the units at 600 Sarnia Road, although not as well serviced by buses, are "purpose built" five-bedroom units and about ten years newer than these Chapman units.

Two of the lower pictures illustrate a Shell gas station and a high-rise building. This location is the south easterly corner of Wonderland Road North and Sarnia Road. The #50-70 Chapman Court complex is off just behind the 30 Chapman Court high-rise condo structure.

Property Manager

50 Chapman Court: Sunshine 519-681-2227

70 Chapman Court: Dickenson 519-666-2332

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