1786 Attawandaron Road
Registered as condos2004
Average MLS Selling Price 2023$462,000 (based on 2 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2022$438,300 (based on 3 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2021No MLS sales
Average MLS Selling Price 2020$380,000 (based on 2 MLS sales)
The east and south side of this complex sits at the top of a ridge overlooking "Medway Valley Heritage Forest", an area deemed to be "Environmentally Significant". Missing is the primary picture and hidden behind the tree on the left-hand side is the second tower of the Alto Towers, a luxury rental building at 545 Fanshawe Park Road West. The north side of this 1786 Attawandaron townhouse complex backs onto Fanshawe Park Road West. Four clusters of five units each get to enjoy the best of these views with some units having lower-level walkouts.
Sand coloured bright almost a light grey tinge. There are slight shade variations in the brick colors amongst different clusters. Black shingles, white eaves and off white/light grey coloured vinyl siding. Full front exterior bricking on all the end units except for the first cluster of three as you enter the complex. Known unit sizes of 1135, 1142, 1190, 1216nand 1250 sq. ft.
These are two-storey, three-bedroom units with open parking. Recent new improvements include an asphalt laneway and new walkways. Originally these units were built with electric heat and wood burning fireplaces. The fireplaces were soon converted to natural gas fireplaces as time went on, most units, but not all, were converted to gas furnaces and gas living room fireplaces. Other complexes of similar ages were built in the same fashion and went through a similar conversion. Wood burning fireplaces in small attached units is not a good idea.
Shopping is within walking distance. With London continuing to grow and with newer units selling for so much more, units here, when offered for sale sell quickly.
Thorne 519-660-1904