800 Commissioners Road West
Average MLS Selling Price 2022$780,000 (based on 4 MLS Sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2021$665,500 (based on 2 MLS Sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2020Sample size (1) too small to report
Average MLS Selling Price 2019$420,700 (based on 3 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2018$378,500 (based on 2 MLS sales)
"Rembrandt Hills"
Just across the street is a greenspace called "Reservoir Park". Further down the road going west is "Springbank Park". What this really means is that people living here in these condos get to enjoy living near a forest that splits the lands between Commissioners Rd. West and Springbank Drive along the Thames River. This particular location has one of the highest elevations in the west part of the city.
“Rembrandt Homes” built. In this complex you will find one cluster of eight units facing Commissioners Road separated by front fencing and a laneway. Two rear clusters of eight units, one cluster on the easterly side of this complex of six units and three interior, two of four units each and one of five units. Units 27-34 at the rear of this complex have lower level rear walkouts and overlook the side profile of the “Longworth Retirement Residence”. Some interior units back onto centre greenspace with a gazebo.
Unit sizes in this complex are known to be 1,194 square feet (the single car garage units); 1,245; 1,300; 1,388 and 1,475 square feet. Nine foot ceilings, main floor laundries, some front and rear bay windows, raised rear decks or covered rear decks, brick driveways.
NOTE: four of the units in this complex have single car garages (instead of double, like the other units) and sales of these particular units are not included in our calculations of the average price index.
The condo fees for a 1,245 square foot unit in 2023 were $415.00 per month range.
Thorne 519-660-1904