600-724 Wonderland Road South
Units 63
Built 1968
Registered 1977
Average MLS Selling Price 2022, 2 Bedroom$453,000 (based on 3 “MLS” Sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2022, 3 BedroomNo “MLS” Sales.
Average MLS Selling Price 2021, 2 BedroomSample size (1) too small to report
Average MLS Selling Price 2021, 3 Bedroom$437,500 (based on 4 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2020, 2 Bedroom$315,000 (based on 3 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2020, 3 BedroomSample size (1) too small to report
A busy Westmount location but busy is the way many people like it. Walking distance to “Starbucks”, “Tim Horton's”, “Shoppers Drug Mart”, “The Great Canadian Bagel”, “Food Basics” and the “Ciniplex Odeon Theatre”.
This is an older complex in a high demand area. A mix of two and three bedroom units. The two bedroom units are typically in the 900; 1,115; 1,120 and 1,156 square feet range and the three bedroom units are 1,016; 1,092; 1,294 and 1,300 square feet range. Verifying these numbers is difficult, some units have different foyer arrangements. Brown brick, brown shingles, brown front doors, rear back doors to patios and partially fenced rear yards with side wooden privacy fencings. Note the style of the outer bricking with the bricking going up to the top roof lines In this complex there are one cluster of five units, three clusters of six units and five clusters of eight units. Some units have slightly different floor plans - a few steps in the front foyer to accommodate elevation changes. There is an outdoor pool tucked away at the rear of this complex. Open parking, mature landscapings and a rear turn around area. Once again, this is a convenient location.
Sunshine 519-681-2227