3590-3650; 3706-3766 Southbridge Street
Average MLS Selling Price 2022$727,500 (based on 2 MLS Sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2021No MLS sales
Four clusters of eight units and two clusters of seven. All of these units have a north or north west orientation and all have driveways to the street. These are freeholds meaning there are no condo fees. Built by Rockmount Homes, the same builder who is concurrently building in 2022 and 2023 freeholds in Kilworth on Doan Drive and Winlow Way. (see our West End - Kilworth Section).
Marketed as "Farmhouse inspired freeholds". The builder "Hayhoe" in St. Thomas used this same terminology a few years back when they described their 238 - 260 Peach Tree Blvd units. White brick, hardboard, black shingles, high pitched rooflines, false upper dormers, white coloured single car garage doors. Nine foot ceiling on the main level. The clusters built on the east side of Middleton Avenue have the added bonus of lower level walkouts. These are "light filled" contemporary units, upper level laundries. One known model style is 1,795 square feet. We note the "Farmhouse inspired freeholds" terminology has little to do with the contemporary feel of these units.
This new neighbourhood was a beehive of activity in 2022 attracting the interest of mostly out of town buyers. Now also part of the landscape is the new Southbridge London Long-Term Care Home also facing onto Southbridge.