60 Rosecliffe Crescent
Average MLS Selling Price 2022No MLS Sales
Average MLS Selling Price 2020 - 2021No MLS Sales
Average MLS Selling Price 2019$454,500 based on 2 MLS sales
Average MLS Selling Price 2018Sample size (1) too small to report
"Rosecliffe Garden Estates"
Detached units built in two clusters of two units (one of these clusters faces the street), one cluster of five units and one cluster of six units with lower walkouts backing onto greenery. Known unit sizes are 1,445 and 1,945 sq. ft.
Wonderland Road South and beyond that a “Food Basic” and a “Tim Horton’s” in a mall on the north east corner of Wonderland Road South and Commissioners Road West.
Rosecliffe Crescent is an attractive neighbourhood of upscale houses. These are all brick units (side bricking up to the rooflines), copper front gables, brick driveways, skylights and at the time of construction wood burning fireplaces. Each unit seems to have a slightly different front appearance.
Given the small sample size, seldom do these units ever become available.