510 Jarvis Street
Average MLS Selling Price 2022Sample size (1) too small to report
Average MLS Selling Price 2018-2021No MLS sales
Jarvis Street in London, Ontario is an address of distinction. Homes on lots typically with 75 or 100 foot frontages! Homes, mostly ranches which were built 60 or 65 years ago. Splendid tall trees and Springbank Park as a neighbour to the north!
Prior to the year 2000 this address consisted of one semi-modern grand house on a 5.25 acres treed hillside site. Now a private street has gone in, wrapped around the original grand house. Seven more homes were built since this transformation and at time of writing (the beginning of 2020) two more homes are planned. This is a vacant land condo site.
What a wonderful private setting with great city views!