641-781 Woodcrest Boulevard
Average MLS Selling Price 2022$458,000 (based on 2 MLS Sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2021$517,800 (based on 4 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2020$301,400 (based on 7 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2019$290,900 (based on 6 MLS sales)
* Multi-style units; prices have varied.
“Sifton” built.
Ten clusters of units, half of which back directly onto “Viscount Woods” and half of which enjoy the greenery of a wide centre treed cul-de-sac. Two clusters of four units. Four clusters of five units, two clusters of six units and two clusters of seven units.
A variety of floor plans. Some end units are one floor, some two storey units have four upper bedrooms. Many of the units to the south on Woodcrest Blvd. approaching Viscount Road have lower level walkouts.
We also note a variety of exterior colours and unit sizes. Known sizes are 1,100, 1,373, 1,397, 1,494, 1,575, 1,966 and 2,078 sq. ft.
These are freeholds with condo fees. Going into 2023 the condo fees are $425.00 per month which includes ground maintenance, snow removal and grass cutting. To the rear of many of these units is protected woodlands which will never be built on. Walking distance to three schools and the “Woodcrest Community Pool”. Westmount Mall with a movie theatre is directly across the street. This is a convenient location.
Sunshine 519-681-2227