4690 Colonel Talbot Rd
Average MLS Selling Price 2022No MLS Sales
Average MLS Selling Price 2021Sample size (1) too small to report
Average MLS Selling Price 2020No MLS sales
An exclusive enclave just north of Greenhills Golf Course and Highway 403. Lovely patio and garden areas with Greenhills as a backdrop. Upscale living is offered here.
These detached style units were a "Bruce McMillan" design. Yellow brick and yellow speckled brick. Tan siding, high front covered front entrance ways, black shingles, these units were originally built with cedar shake shingles. Many units have their garages at the front of the units turned in a perpendicular direction.
We note a lot size of 174 feet front by 846 feet deep. What a low density project. Typical unit sizes are in the 1,938 square feet range on one level! Very few of today’s condo project are built on such a large scale.
*In this neighbourhood 98% own, 2% rent. 98% of the neighbourhood consists of single family homes. English is the dominant language spoken at 87% and 49% of the adult population has a university degree. 48% of the neighbourhood was built 1961 – 1990 and 27% predates 1960. While Lambeth is growing its core pockets remain relatively unchanged.
Lionheart 519-641-6868