105 Andover Drive
Registered as condos2020
Average MLS Selling Price 2022$540,300 (based on 3 MLS Sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2021$488,300 (based on 3 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2020$359,900 (based on 13 MLS sales)
This is a former rental project, completely rebuilt in 2020. There are two clusters of ten units each and two clusters of twelve units each. Excellent separation between units and two parking spots per unit. Known unit sizes of 1,099; 1,182 and 1,223 square feet and some mature trees on site.
New exterior doors, windows, siding, soffits and facia, shingles, interior doors, kitchens, bathrooms, flooring, cooling and heating systems. The large bright windows with black trim, black shingles and coloured eaves help to make a strong upbeat appearance.
Bus at the door, walking distance to tennis, a community outdoor pool and schools. Easy access to shopping along Wonderland Road South and Wharncliffe Road South.
We note that rental units on Belmont Drive five blocks away to the east, are now also being turned into condos. If this becomes a new trend, people in rental units having to move because a developer bought the complex and converted these units into condos the city will rapidly have to beat the drum on going full speed ahead on making granny flats legal. Yes, London's population counts are rising.
Village 519-439-2227