166 Southdale Road West
Built 1975-1977
Registered 1975
Average MLS Selling Price 2022$522,900 (based on 7 MLS Sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2021$391,200 (based on 9 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2020$300,300 (based on 12 MLS sales)
This complex has three-bedroom, townhouse-style units in a family setting. This complex has five clusters facing Southdale; six complexes at the rear backing onto single family homes and nineteen other clusters. Cluster sizes range from three to nine units. This is a large complex. Some units back onto greenspace. Easy access to Lambeth and White Oaks. Shopping close by. A rear walkway leads to the “Sir Isaac Brock" Public School: at 80 St. Lawrence Blvd only a block away.
Known unit sizes are 1,027; 1,100; 1,130; 1,159; 1,161; 1,187 and square feet. The condo fees going into 2023 are in the $313.00 per month range.
Some units are gas heat, others are electric. This location has worked well for many families for many years.
Lionheart 519-641-6868