3575; 3635 Southbridge Avenue
Units (Phase I)52
Units (Phase II)58
Average MLS Selling Price 2022$756,500 (based on 2 MLS Sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2021$713,600 (based on 5 MLS sales)
The correct address is 3575; 3565-3557; 3587-3581; 3635 Southbridge Avenue.
Phase One has the address 3635 Southbridge and it has 52 units. Phase Two with the address 3575 Southbridge has 58 units. Phase One has one cluster of seven, six clusters of five and five clusters of four. Phase Two has six clusters of six, two clusters of five and three clusters of four. Phase I was close to being finished out in 2022 and Phase II will continue to be a 2023 project. These units are freeholds with a small monthly fee for landscaping, ground maintenance and snow removal.
There are four different model styles with two different interior unit styles. These are all two storey units with single car garages. One end unit model has a wrap around front porch. Sand coloured bricking, black shingles. Unit sizes are spacious with known sizes of 1,771; 1,795 and 1,863 square feet. The end unit models are particularly attractive. They enjoy an abundance of windows and a bright open concept staircase.
This new subdivision has attracted an inordinate amount of attention from out of town buyers. *These are summer 2023 pictures. Still to be completed are curbs and asphalt.
Trident Property Management 519-931-7740