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London, Ontario

657-789; 688-736; 754-804 Silversmith Street London Ontario, Canada

657-789; 688-736; 754-804 Silversmith Street

657-789; 688-736; 754-804 Silversmith Street



Average MLS Selling Price 2022$625,000 (based on 2 MLS sales)

Average MLS Selling Price 2021$653,300 (based on 7 MLS sales)

Average MLS Selling Price 2020$451,500 (based on 2 MLS sales)

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Two storey link homes built in clusters of three and four. Single car garages. No condo fees. These are homes and not condos. Known unit sizes are 1,381; 1,489 and 1,507 square feet. Two clusters of three units each (657-789, 600-804) back onto Silversmith Pond.

Speckled brown brick, cream siding, slightly protruding front garages, some high pitched upper rooflines, mostly brown shingles. Some interior units have full front bricking and some have front arched bricking.

Why are we adding these to a condo website? Well one of the reasons is that the Oxford Street/Wonderland Road area is a popular North/West location for condo lovers because the area has shopping, parks, bus stops and is minutes to Western University, Downtown and the University Hospital. When available (which is on a fairly regular basis), these units are a wonderful option to a condo.

* We note, not included in our average selling price index are six clusters of semis sharing similar design styles.

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