Specializing in Sales, Rentals and Investments for Condominiums!
40 Summit Avenue
Registered as condos1979
Average MLS Selling Price 2022$610,750 (based on 2 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2021$447,300 (based on 3 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2020$345,800 (based on 9 MLS sales)
One bus gets you quickly to Oxford Street and Richmond Street, unless you get stuck in traffic. Being so close to the downtown action means you have to deal with rush hour traffic. That plus the heat of the city in the summer and the bus fumes and noise. It works for some people, please read on.
For many years many of these units have been used for student rental purposes. Built in eleven clusters. To the immediate west, also on the north side of Oxford Street is the London Muslim Mosque and to the immediate east is an unexpected area of greenery on a hill which is part of the site plan.
Unit designs are a mix of three bedroom, three plus one bedrooms or three plus two bedroom units with 1.5 or 2.5 baths. Some units have garages. Some units have converted garages into extra bedrooms. Some units have lower level walkouts. This is a treed setting.
Most units have electric heat but a few units have natural gas fireplaces.
Known unit sizes of 766, 1006, 1145 and 1150 sq. ft. with the converted garage feature or with a finished lower walkout level some may have 1500 sq. ft. of finished living space. Mostly all brick exterior. This complex is in the 45 year age range.
* There are two entrances into this complex. At the rear of the complex is a paved laneway off of Gower Street. The walk along an easterly pathway over to McDonalds and the intersection of Oxford Street West and Wharncliffe Road North takes only five minutes.
** In this neighbourhood 47% of the population are aged 20-29 and only 6% is 65+. 43% of the neighbourhood was built between 1961-1990. 31% of the population claim immigrant status and 62% of the adult population have university degrees. 42% of the population has English as their primary language. 10% Arabic, 9% Bengah, 7% Mandarin and 6% Urda
Summit Properties 519-671-2671