Specializing in Sales, Rentals and Investments for Condominiums!
1548 Richmond Street
Registered as condos1991
Average MLS Selling Price 2022$779,500 (based on 5 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2021Sample size (1) too small to report
Average MLS Selling Price 2020$433,000 (based on 2 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2019$419,900 (based on 5 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2018$316,000 (based on 7 MLS sales)
University bound? Put this complex on your list. These are spacious four bedroom, 3.5 bathroom units with single car garages and gas fireplaces. Brown brick, brown shingles, newer siding. Tan coloured or grey garage doors. Second and third level front bay windows. Trees and stone retainer walls. These units are built on the side of a hill and the front two clusters backing onto Richmond Street have lower level rear walkouts. Known unit sizes of 1550, 1600, 1800 and 1839 sq. ft. One front central driveway. Three of the units in this complex are "the original manor condos", a large tudor style building in the rear centre of the complex. Walking distance to University, University Hospital and Masonville Mall. See our Dec 24th, 2014 blog entitled "1548 Richmond Street Condos and Tipping Points"
* In this neighbourhood 78% own, 22% rent. Single detached homes make up for 51% of the neighbourhood, "row-style" townhouses 32% and apartments 16%. 58% of the adult population have university degrees and 27% of the population is 65+. English is the dominant language spoken, Mandarin 4%, other languages 4%, Arabic 4% and multiple languages 4%.
Arnsby 519-455-6080