Specializing in Sales, Rentals and Investments for Condominiums!
Registered as condos1988
323 Colborne Street
Average MLS Selling Price 2022, 1 bedroom$340,750 (based on 2 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2022, 2 bedroom$394,800 (based on 10 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2021, 1 bedroom$297,500 (based on 11 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2021, 2 bedroom$343,300 (based on 10 MLS sales)
363 Colborne Street
Average MLS Selling Price 2022, 1 bedroom$298,000 (based on 2 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2022, 2 bedroom$359,580 (based on 5 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2021, 1 bedroom$333,000 (based on 5 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2021, 2 bedroom$474,600 (based on 5 MLS sales)
* Premiums for higher floors
* Premiums for some floor plans (e.g. corner units, larger floor plan, or more windows)
These two towers are slightly removed from the downtown core. They are to the south and east of it and also very close to the "London Convention Centre". The "TD BANK" has a call centre facility over near the "Western Fair District" and Horton Street East is just south of the tracks is developing into a hub of internet business activity.
These Colborne condos have reasonable pricings, reasonable condo fees, balconies, and underground parking. Some units enjoy views which are exceptional while others have views less inspiring. The YMCA with it's excellent facilities is only a block away and Victoria Park is a ten minute walk away.
Access into and out of these two addresses is relatively easy and metered parking can be found on the street. Many downtown buildings cannot boast of having these features.
Amenities include an indoor, easy to access, salt water pool, sauna, whirlpool, exercise room, tennis court (albeit somewhat cramped) and an onsite variety store.
One bedroom units are typically in the 800; 825; 850 and 883 square feet range and two bedroom units are typically 956; 1,000; 1,008; 1,050 and 1,135 square feet range. Each building has twelve units per floor with the exception of the first floor which has six units on the main in both buildings.
These two towers have served well the needs of downtown condo owners for many years.
Once again, these two buildings offer reasonable prices, reasonable that is in comparison to other downtown condo buildings like 695 Richmond Street which is a little bit closer to all the action.
Highpoint 519-663-7779