Specializing in Sales, Rentals and Investments for Condominiums!
270-290 Homestead Crescent
292-414 Homestead Court
Registered as Condos1977
Average MLS Selling Price 2022No MLS sales
Average MLS Selling Price 2021$449,600 (based on 8 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2020$335,300 (based on 7 MLS sales)
Walk to shopping, health club and restaurants. Close to the Aquatic Centre. A wonderful location that suits the needs of many different lifestyles.
Out of town buyers sometimes as looking for units for their children going to University here and sometimes look at the condos found here (#11, #13, #13 and #14) because all of these units are close to the Sherwood Forest Mall (McDonald's; pizza; beer ....) and are close to university buses.
Built in thirteen clusters of four units and three clusters of six units. This complex is actually part of the 535-599 Gainsborough Road complex. Access to this complex is from Blackacres Blvd., yet people living here can walk through the Gainsborough Road condos to get to the Sherwood Forest Shopping Mall across the street. These units enjoy the use of an outdoor pool.
In the excitement of looking at condos on this street we must also mention a different small set of condos next door off to the immediate east on Homestead Cres. These are the units at 218-264 Homestead. Six separate units of four clusters each backing onto Gainsborough Road. These are three bedroom, all brick, two storey condos built in 1967 and registered as condos in 1996. The property manager is Lionheart (519-641-6868). In 2019, three units sold on the MLS System at an average price of $302,000 and in the first nine months of 2021 the average MLS Selling Price was $444,800 based on 5 "MLS" Sales.
Cambri 519-474-3006