100 The Promenade Street
Average MLS Selling Price 2022, One Bedroom Unit$418,200 (based on 2 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2022, Two Bedroom Unit$568,500 (based on 4 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2022, Three Bedroom Unit$644,500 (based on 3 MLS sales)
This is the first low-rise condo building of this style ever to be built in Port Stanley. The builder’s is “Wastell Homes” out of London and this building will be the first of four to be built on this site. This building is four stories. The remaining three buildings to be built will be slightly taller by two levels.
Yet wait. Before we get into some of these details, let us first mention some other news on yet another pair of low-rise condo buildings proposed for Port Stanley. The builder “Prespa Homes” out of St. Thomas is in the process of trying to get approvals for the “Lake-View Condominiums”. Google prespahomes.ca/future-developments/lakeview. This proposed new project is now “under the Municipal Approval Process”. The North Shore Beacon website and the St. Thomas Times Journal website are two excellent ways to keep tabs on development projects like this in the area.
Now back to the 100 Promenade Street project. Its location is in the west section residential subdivision called “Kokomo Beach Club”. To it’s immediate north is the south side of the Kettle Creek Golf and Country Club.
One-, two- and three-bedroom units. Underground parking. Rooftop patio. These are 2 one-bedroom models called “The Breeze” at 780-795 square feet and “Tide Tide” at 785-795 square feet. There are 2 two-bedroom models, “The Shore” at 1000,1020 square feet, “The Dune” at 1165 square feet and “The Dune Modified” at 1240 square feet. Another 2 of the two-bedroom units have a den. “The Cove” at 1240-1260 square feet and “The Drift” at 1285 square feet. There is also 1 three-bedroom model called “The Coast” at 1320-1360 square feet.
Our pictures (as of mid June 2023) also show the new clubhouse with a pool at 98 The Promenade Street to the immediate southwest. The beaches of Lake Erie are a ten-minute walk away over a ridge. Walk to George Street and go west to Valley Street and the south from there. Here you will find sandy beaches and a public access area. Parking is limited on the weekends in the summer.
More details to follow as this project gets finished out.