Willowdale, Pine View, Cedarville, Poplar and Maple Avenue
UnitsAprox. 98
Average MLS Selling Price 2022$231,900 (Based on 9 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2021$217,900 (Based on 7 MLS sales)
Might we suggest that you get out of town where the prices are known to be considerable less? If one travels by car, 7.5 km north of Aylmer on Highway #73 (north of Ron McNeil Line), then one will come to the Lyon's Mobile Community in Lyon's and a side street on the eastern side of the road called “Treelawn Avenue”. Here you will find, off of it, the above mentioned five street names.
These are not condos but rather mobile homes. Owners pay a monthly fee for water, sewer, snow removal on the streets and garbage pick up. Park approval is required for new owners. Well and Septic are park owned. Owners of each unit pay property taxes. Banks may be able to assist in getting financing but not in conventional ways.
Ages of individual units vary considerably. Typical unit sizes are in the 648; 684; 800; 850; 896; 900; 925; 1,000; 1,042 and 1,080 square feet range. Some have sundecks. Some may have garages, sheds or even small workshops. Enjoy a country side feel!
Once again, this address is on Imperial Road (Highway 73) which links into the 401 Highway.
** Are there other mobile park communities in this area? Well, none going west towards St. Thomas. Going north from Aylmer on Highway 73 for 24 km takes you to the 401 and then west on the 401 to Dorchester Road. Here you will find street names like First, Second, Third, Park Avenue, East Street and West Street. What a great location for commuters with the 401 Highway to the immediate south.
Going east of Aylmer offers more options in mobile home living. Travelling east along Highway # 3 takes you to a Capriet Lifestyles Community at 10085 Culloden Road, 14 km or eleven minutes away. It is called "Red Oaks Park" and has two treed street names Oaks and Maple. Further north on Culloden Road up to Brownsville takes you to the modular homes of "Lynwood Estates". This is an older community. Once again, its streets are named after trees. Street names like Oak Lane, Pine Street, Maple Street, Elm Street and Spruce Street.
Going further east again takes you to "The Meadows" at 11981 Plank Road. It is difficult to miss their large sign. This location is southwest of Tillsonburg. Further south on Plank Road, twenty-nine kilometres away from Aylmer at 4899 Plank Road is the "Otter's Edge Estates". This is an "adult 55+ community". Visit www.ottersedgeestates.ca.
Finally, if living next to Lake Erie is important to you, then one option might be "Green Acres Park" at 33 Pitt Street in Port Burwell.
Mobile home living in this section of south western Ontario is more prevalent than what many people in this area might think.